Consumer Disclosures

The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) requires 51勛圖 and other institutions of higher education to disclose certain information to students, prospective students, employees, parents and others. This site provides easy access to this information.

Annual disclosures related to the five broad subject areas described below as well as links to other frequently used HEOA-related information and HEOA contact information are to the left. Be sure to check out 51勛圖's profile on (made available by U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics).

The college will provide a paper copy of the information related to these disclosures upon request.

Academics & General Information

Disclosures in this section include (but are not limited to) information and links regarding our academic program (such as degree programs offered, program highlights and plans for improving our academic program), instructional facilities, student activities and services, our faculty, our student body and information on our accrediting agencies.

Also found here are links to policies and procedures regarding copyright infringement and file sharing (including policies and procedures for handling violations), information and links regarding privacy of student records, an a copy of our latest Teacher Preparation Program Report.

Cost of Attendance & Financial Assistance

This section includes (but, again, not limited to) data and links to information on annual cost of attendance (for undergraduate academic year and summer as well as M.A.T. program costs), available financial assistance programs, financial aid contact information, the application process and methods of aid disbursement, information on loans (including entrance and exit counseling and Borrower's Rights and Responsibilities), and federal financial assistance as it pertains to enrollment in a study abroad program.

Also included are trends on average cost of attendance and net price for full-time, first-time undergraduates who were awarded aid, financial assistance trends by type, and a link to our Net Price Calculator.

Equity and Diversity in Athletics

Our Athletics section includes links to our NCAA Graduation Rate report and our Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) report.

The Graduation Rate report contains data on the most recently reported six-year graduation rates (including a four-class average) for all students and those students who received athletically related aid, broken out by race and sex.

The EADA report contains data on operating expenses, revenues generated, expenses for intercollegiate team activities, average coach salaries and athletically-related aid.

Health & Safety

Campuses are required to distribute to students, staff and faculty both a written drug and alcohol abuse policy (including state and federal laws, sanctions for violations, health risks of use, abuse prevention and treatment) as well as a report which provides information campus safety policies and procedures and provides statistics concerning the occurrence of certain criminal offenses by designated categories, and a Fire Safety Report.

This section includes the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy distributed to campus constituencies as well as the Annual Security Report (which includes our Fire Safety report) as well as a list of links to other Campus Safety policies, procedures and information.

Also included in this section is information on our vaccination policies and immunization requirements.

Student Outcomes

Included in this section is information on student retention, graduation rates, graduate and professional education, career pursuits of CC graduates, as well as links to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) regional salary data by major occupation category.

This section contains information on textbooks required and recommended by course, and associated cost of materials.

 Voter Information

Included in this section is information on voter registration, voter education and other frequently asked questions regarding voting.






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